LAS Art Foundation

LAS Charter

1. Mission and Vision

LAS Art Foundation’s mission is to be a new type of arts organisation — one that looks deep into our present and gives form to future imaginaries. We work with artists, thinkers and institutions around the globe to catalyse ideas and develop innovative projects and experiences. We investigate topics ranging from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to ecology and biotechnology — illuminating the intersections between art, science and the latest technology. Our programme comprises installations and performances, as well as educational programming, publications and research projects. Curiosity drives us to continually reimagine the role of an arts institution as one that shapes and evolves with our collective futures.

LAS is an art foundation about the future. We are led by a vision of the future whereby humankind doesn’t see itself at the centre, but as part of an interconnected whole. Working thoughtfully with technology, science, non-human species and each other, we envision a more interconnected, empathetic and fairer planet – one better equipped to overcome the planetary challenges, such as the climatic, social, biological and political ones, we currently face.

2. Values

Freedom of expression and thought

As an arts organisation in a world of diverse viewpoints and positions, LAS sees the freedom of expression in art as aiding mutual understanding. As a catalyst for dialogue, we believe art can have a role in bridging divisions, avoiding inhuman ideologies and fostering empathy

Individual dignity (Menschenwürde)

Rooted in the right of each person to their voice and dignity, we strive to represent many different perspectives. At the same time, we work to ensure that what we present does not encroach on the dignity (Menschenwürde) of others. We do not accept and, through our work, seek to actively mitigate hate-speech, discrimination and other forms of violent intolerance.

Agency and inclusion

Our work is motivated by a belief that each of us can enact positive change for the future. LAS Art Foundation strives to empower creators and thinkers, who we see as key agents of change, while also reaching a wide audience with these ideas – presenting topics in an inspiring and accessible way.

3. Goals

Catalyse new ideas

We seek to do this by, for example, bringing together creators and researchers from diverse disciplines; publishing texts that synthesise new ideas; organising public symposia to foster dialogue; sharing our work through talks in both art and non-art forums and by responding to ongoing advances in science, technology and philosophy

Support artists and creators at a key moment in their practice

We seek to do this by, for example, presenting new commissions by artists, or artists heading in a new direction in their work; being the first to present an artist in a major exhibition in Berlin, and by facilitating long research and development phases for our projects

Experiment with formats

We seek to do this by, for example, supporting them to tackle new approaches in production when commissioning new work, and by bringing together experts from technology and science to support artists in their research

Engage a wide audience

We seek to do this by, for example, presenting exhibitions at a range of venues, both within Berlin and beyond; by putting together extensive publica programming; by having a strong web-based presence so that our work is available worldwide, and by offering some free programming and ticket reductions

4. Our Commitments


LAS Art Foundation is committed to being accessible both in terms of its physical space and its choice of content. This is enacted in several ways: through physically accessible exhibitions wherever possible and events that can be experienced comfortably by those with impaired mobility; through supportive technology for those with impaired sight or hearing; and above all through presenting content in a way that it can be enjoyed without background knowledge, or previous information.

Diversity, equality and inclusion

We strive to ensure, both through our programming and governance, that we bring perspectives from multiple communities into our programming and internally into how we run the organisation. LAS strives to ensure that events and exhibitions, while exploring complex topics, can be enjoyed by people of a range of ages, ethnicities, genders, educational background and perspectives. Moreover, LAS Art Foundation is an equal opportunities employer and seeks to represent and support diversity in its staff and collaborators. We hold regular diversity workshops for our team.

Workplace culture

LAS Art Foundation works to maintain a workplace culture of respect, open communication and positive recognition and we support continued learning. Structural measures in place to promote this include: a dual leadership system where responsibilities are shared by two team leads for each department; an external management coaching programme and 360 degree feedback.

Environmental sustainability

LAS Art Foundation is an educational organisation that draws attention to issues of environmental sustainability, while embodying them through our everyday choices. We have an internal protocol for sustainable operations, including: employee travel, which we monitor and measure; production, for which we use the most sustainable, resource-conserving options, and for providers, which we assess for energy efficiency. We monitor the carbon footprint of our exhibitions and events, offset our energy consumption and run our operations on sustainable energy sources.

Dedication to technology and science

LAS Art Foundation is founded on the premise of promoting science, research, art and culture. We choose to do this primarily by supporting artists to work with the latest technologies and scientific advances through access to technology and research opportunities in the scientific field. We also work with those advancing science and technology, both universities and not-for-profits, and for-profit entities. Our end goal is to support a future-oriented, conscious, critical and responsible approach to new technologies. We strive to ensure independence in our work with new technologies, ensuring we look at multiple perspectives and are not beholden to particular corporate interests.

Financial responsibility

LAS works to ensure sustainable use of its funds and empowers team leaders to take financial responsibilities within the organisation. Team leads adhere to an internal code to ensure financial resources are used wisely in fulfilling statutory purposes, and in line with comparable non-profit organisations. LAS’s annual financial statements are prepared by third party auditors.

Due diligence and independence

The principles and ethics of LAS are also applied in our cooperation with partners, with whom a common understanding of values is key. We therefore consciously work with partners who share and respect LAS's principles and we carry out due diligence processes before engaging with collaborators. While working with collaborators, we seek to maintain independence – not bowing to influences from partners or politics, letting artists be the primary creative voice and discussing our work with our advisory boards and ambassadors.

Conflicts of interest

LAS Art Foundation strives to ensure its integrity in the face of any potential conflicts of interest, in terms of personal relationships, politics and other undue influence. LAS is registered in the Lobby Register Act. We avoid undue influence by not accepting gifts, favours or other benefits that could influence us in our business and artistic decisions.